With the GB as with anybody else:
- if it is in their interests to tell a lie, and they reckon they can get away with it, then that is what they are almost certain to do.
With the GB as with anybody else:
- if it is in their interests to tell a lie, and they reckon they can get away with it, then that is what they are almost certain to do.
earlier this morning, i posted off to the the institute of engineers an application for membership as an "engineering associate":.
- today being just over 40 years since the congregation's retards elders made me abandon my apprenticeship.. (in this part of the world, the pre-1975 hype was taken to that level.
not being content to prevent young persons attending university, they went one step further and treated with hostility any youngster who would "tie up five years of their lives" by entering into an apprenticeship.
Thanks, everyone, for your messages of support.
The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life!
You have really nailed it there!
It is all too easy to become consumed by feelings of bitterness, yet the best way of giving that lot The Finger is just as you say - living a happy and successful life, regardless of the lies they told us.
earlier this morning, i posted off to the the institute of engineers an application for membership as an "engineering associate":.
- today being just over 40 years since the congregation's retards elders made me abandon my apprenticeship.. (in this part of the world, the pre-1975 hype was taken to that level.
not being content to prevent young persons attending university, they went one step further and treated with hostility any youngster who would "tie up five years of their lives" by entering into an apprenticeship.
We do, but it has an entirely different meaning down here!
earlier this morning, i posted off to the the institute of engineers an application for membership as an "engineering associate":.
- today being just over 40 years since the congregation's retards elders made me abandon my apprenticeship.. (in this part of the world, the pre-1975 hype was taken to that level.
not being content to prevent young persons attending university, they went one step further and treated with hostility any youngster who would "tie up five years of their lives" by entering into an apprenticeship.
Here is the latest on this one:
- today, I just received my graduation pack from the Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT), confirming that I have been awarded an Advanced Diploma in Electrcical Engineering, with "A" passes in all subjects.
The next step should now follow without any geat drama - i.e. application for Membership of the Institute of Engineers.
To those prize specimens who wrote that 1969 Awake article about "all young persons facing the fact that you will never grow old in This System" (me being 14 years old when that came out), I hoist the good old two-fingered salute to the bloody lot of you!
This evening, I celebrated by downing three full-strength beers. I may have taken something stronger, except for having to go through the breathalyser process at 0500 hrs tomorrow morning, and this site has a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy (plus the fact I had to send one of my staff home last week for "blowing a few numbers" in that morning's breathalyser test!)
Further, now having an engineering qualification under my belt, I have just thrown my cap into the ring for the Maintenance Superintendent's job at a major aluminium refinery (I believe those of you in North America both spell and pronounce this word as "Aluminum"?), which is within driving of my home. Hopefully, I will now be able to score a decent job without having to Fly-In/ Fly-Out to some site in the "Never Never" (to use that Australianism!). My family will be very happy about that, anyway, should I be successful.
in the watchtower august 15 in the topic: "let the many islands rejoice" appears the following paragraph: .
then, however, it came time for a serious decision.
would i accept a scholarship to go to university?
Just a word or two here on nomenclature!
Geoffrey Jackson hails from the Australian state of Tasmania, where the term "university" (often abbreviated to "uni " ) is invariably the one that is used. In this country, the expression "college" is used to describe a different intitution of learning - usually a high school that imagines itself to be (or is regarded to be) a cut above just "ordinary" high schools!
So if Jackson did in fact turn down a scholarship ( or probably more to the point, thinks he turned down a scholarship) then it would have indeed been to somewhere that he would have known as a "university".
in the watchtower august 15 in the topic: "let the many islands rejoice" appears the following paragraph: .
then, however, it came time for a serious decision.
would i accept a scholarship to go to university?
They are salesmen for their WT corporation, and salesmen lie.
Wild_Thing, I believe you have hit the proverbial nail fair on the head!
If it is in their interests to tell a few porkies, and they think they can get away with it, that is exactly what they are going to do.
(I believe it is called "Gilding the Lily."
" {watchtower sep 1 1989 12}.
" {tiah 240-1, also references in wr oct 1879 3941, tkic 84}.
'" {zions watchtower mar 1880 repr 82}.
Thanks for posting the above.
I had heard it said that the JWs made certain claims about the year 1932, but this is the first documentary evidence I have ever seen about their claims regarding that date.
you can't see electricity or hear it or feel it.
well, there are sparks and lightning bolts and heating elements and the light and heat of filaments.
and somehow, it lights up neon in a tube.
OK - today I am in a rather pedantic mood, so here goes!
Firstly, "Voltage" is a rather loose term that covers two closely rated phenomena:
1) Electromotive Force (EMF) - which forms the "E" component of Ohm's Law (i.e. E = IR). This is the difference in potential energy between the two terminals of a complete electric circuit, and which produces the flow of electrons through it once the circuit is "closed".
2) Potential Difference - which reflects the loss of potential energy across the various individual resistances within that same electrical circuit. This quantity is commonly referred to as "Volt Drop" and includes the energy loss in the circuit's conductors (which over a long run of cable, can be quite significant). Once often abbreviated to "PD", this is probably not a good idea anymore, as it could easily get confused with "Partial Discharge".
The unit of measurement of both EMF and Potential Difference is the volt, and the sum of all differences in potential around an electrical circuit will always equal the EMF that has been applied across its terminals (whether from a battery, generator, transformer or whatever).
Now we come to this quantity that some refer to as "amperage". Fellas, there is no bloody such thing as "amperage"! The quantity is known as "current", refers directly to the flow of electrons through an electrical circuit, and its unit of measurement is the ampere (usually abbreviated to "amp"). In other words, the amp is purely a unit of measurement - nothing else.
In a hydraulic system, the total head of water would be the equivalent of the Electromotive Force (EMF) in an electrical circuit, flow of water (gallons per hour etc) would be the equivalent of an electrical current, and loss of head would be the equivalant of Potential Difference.
As I said, I am feeling a little pedantic today!
i cant recall the scripture, where it says than only a few men will he live to be 80 years or so, can anyone recall that?.
so then im wondering, if it is a fact that men lived long years 900 in some cases, for what reason would god limit our lifespan if our time is so short compared to his?.
how on earth does man go from living 8 and 9 hundred years down to 80 to 100 ?.
Ah, yes...... that non-existent water canopy that was supposed to have been held in place in the "Thermosphere" layer of the earth's atmosphere. This was supposed to have blanketed out much of the harmful radiation from reaching the Biosphere layers. Great stuff, a water jacket - filter out anything! (apparently)
you can't see electricity or hear it or feel it.
well, there are sparks and lightning bolts and heating elements and the light and heat of filaments.
and somehow, it lights up neon in a tube.
Bungibill, you must be an Aussie if 240v is the measurement??
Yes, I am.
- 240V and 50Hz